Friday, 20 October 2017

Autumn Images, October 2017

Time passes  . . .
      and another Autumn arrives, even for the Cranky Laptop.

Wandering in Harlow Carr Gardens, experimenting with a new camera:

Apples red and ready to fall, 

 A tapestry of colours

 Pale grasses ruffling in the wind

And a reconstruction of a Victorian potting shed. 

Meanwhile, another day, elsewhere: sunlight on a fountain after a funeral.

Perhaps, she thought, I may have cracked my photo and posting problem . . .


  1. Welcome back! Lovely pictures - particularly the potting shed one.

  2. Oh thank you, Sue! Feeling stupidly pleased with myself as - after all these years of dimness - I finally worked out a way to put my own photos into posts quite simply and easily. I'd been intimidated by a rather complex method but, hey, this way worked which means therefore I can do the same again. Very much a try-out set of pictures here.
